“I bet I can swim faster than you!”
-Various children during open swim or swim lessons
“Our next exercise is…”
-Aquatics Fitness Instructor
“Next up: The 100 Free!”
-Announcer at a swim meet
The above quotes are just a drop in the bucket of things you might hear coming from the Johnson County Family YMCA Aquatics Center.
The Y understands the importance of the pool in the lives of our members and to the community, as well as our out-of-town visitors. As a continuation of our facility improvement project, we would like to announce that the time has come to paint the bottom of the pool.
Project Overview
The project begins with draining the pool. When the pool has finished draining, any remaining water will be removed so that the painters may come in and begin their work.
The first step for the painters is to acid wash the pool shell. This serves to remove any oils or surface contaminants. All loose or peeling paint will be removed to make way for the surface of the shell to be abraded, which will allow the new paint to adhere properly. All surfaces that will not be painted will be masked off and any spalls or cracks patched. The shell will then be vacuumed to remove any remaining dust.
The pool will then be painted with new epoxy pool paint. During and after painting, industrial fans will be used to ensure proper air circulation and curing of the paint over the course of several days. The pool will be required to be left dry for 10 days, after which, the pool will be refilled and reopened.
Project Timeline
- Pool Closed
Saturday, July 11th, 2020 – Sunday, August 9th, 2020
- Begin draining pool
Friday, July 10th, 2020 (After Closing)
- Prep, paint, and cure
Monday, July 13th, 2020 – Monday, August 4th 2020
- Maintenance Week | YMCA Closed
Sunday, August 2nd, 2020 – Sunday, August 9th, 2020
The pool will be refilled and balanced during this time
- Pool Reopens
Monday, August 10th, 2020
Wyoming Community Foundation 3:1 Matching Grant
The Wyoming Community Foundation has generously awarded us a 3:1 matching grant in order to help realize this project. This means that the Y needs to raise a little more than $5000 to secure the additional $15,000 from the Wyoming Community Foundation to fund the project.
The $5000 campaign not only covers approximately 25% of the project cost but clearly demonstrates to the Wyoming Community Foundation just how important the Aquatics Center is to members of our Y and to the community. It is imperative that we rally together and show that the investment in our facility is deserved and will benefit many in Johnson County.
Project Cost
The total cost of the project is $20,325.
Fundraising Timeline
The Wyoming Community Foundation has given us a deadline of December 15, 2019 to raise the matching funds.
Can we count on your support?
Every dollar counts and each gift is a symbol of community support for the Aquatics Center.
Your donation not only covers a portion of the project cost but it clearly demonstrates your support for the Y’s Aquatics Center and all the activities that are hosted here throughout the year.
Please consider making a gift to the campaign using the form below. Your gift is processed securely and we will be happy to provide you with documentation of your charitable gift that can be used for tax preparation purposes.