To Our Members
The staff and Board of Directors at the Johnson County Family YMCA deeply appreciate your understanding and patience as we navigate through the untrodden territory that we have been forced into due to the circumstances surrounding the Coronavirus. It goes without saying that the Coronavirus has created an enormous amount of uncertainty. However, the way in which we respond is within our control.
At the Y, everything we do is community-centric and now more than ever is this critical. Belonging to a Y is not only about belonging to a health and wellness facility, it’s also about belonging to an organization that has historically pivoted to serve the greater needs of the community. During this period of closure, our entire staff remains on payroll and we are finding ways to utilize our resources to offer assistance throughout the community – and you can help. In the coming weeks you will see Y employees supporting the efforts of other organizations when possible and as you might expect, work continues on our two facilities despite the closure.
Stick with Us as a
Sustaining Member
Your membership is crucial in enabling us to pivot our critical staff and resources towards helping our community and allows us to continue to cover general operating expenses of our facilities. Despite the closure, systems are still running, resources are being used, and all of it must be monitored and maintained. We have staff dedicated to those processes. The expenses associated with that are typically covered by membership fees.
Members who continue to pay their membership dues are our Sustaining Members – because they are allowing us to remain resilient during this chaotic time. By choosing to continue with your membership during this time, you enable us to remain focused on helping our community stay strong in spirit, mind, and body.
Most importantly, this situation will not last forever. We’re here to stand by you through this difficult time and ask that you stand with us as well. We are actively monitoring the situation and will reopen the facility as soon as it is safe to do so. It is truly a day-by-day consideration. There’s a bright future ahead of us, but the only way we get there is by sticking together with all hands on deck.
Can we count on you as a Sustaining Member?
With that being said, we also understand that you may have financial obligations; and naturally, may need to cancel your membership. To cancel your membership, please email our Membership Coordinator at [email protected] to request the Cancellation Form to be sent to you. Please allow at least three (3) business days before your next draft date for cancellation.
We wish you and your family good health. Thank you for being a Y member.
Yours in service,
Tim Miner