As the last seconds of the season tick away, we’d like to thank everyone that participated, shuttled players to practices and games, volunteered to coach and referee, and took time out to fill the stands on game nights.
The support is humbling to say the least and yet it feels very familiar. Our community always turns out to support the kids regardless of the activity. This year’s 3rd-6th grade basketball season was no exception as budding hoopsters turned out in record numbers.
Moving this age group before Christmas was a huge success. In the past, the older end of this group – specifically 5th-6th graders – was hard hit by travel basketball. This year they turned out in droves to knock off the rust and hone their skills resulting in one of the more competitive seasons and largest participation counts we’ve had in a half dozen years.
The Y-Ball program is strong, the players represented well, and the season has come to an end. Now it’s time to clear the benches, mop the floor, and gear up for the next season.
PreK – 2nd Grade Y-ball begins January 14th and it promises to be another season of hoops you won’t want to miss!
A Special Thank You
Every year we have a
- Backcountry Spraying
- State Farm – Alecia Kozisek
- Grouse Mountain Environmental Consultants
- Johnson Chiropractic
- Julia Bettinger
- Adam Teten
- Tina McIntosh
- Byron Geis, Nick Smith
- Kurt Patik, Issac Finkle
- Josh Stensas
- Mike Engling, Dave Huber
- Key Storey, Robb Hicks
- Nick Smith
- Dave Huber