On Tuesday, April 28th, Governor Mark Gordon and Wyoming State Health Officer Alexis Harrist released modified statewide health orders. The health orders pertaining to gymnasiums may be found here.
Reopening Date
In light of the modifications made, the Johnson County Family YMCA will be reopening on Monday, May 4th. This reopening will also be accompanied by a modified version of our Summer Hours.
Modified Summer Hours
Main Facility
Weekdays: 6:00 am – 6:30 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday: Closed
Aquatics Center
Weekdays: 6:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Sunday: Closed
Building Usage Restrictions
To be able to reopen, the following building usage restrictions will be in effect to comply with the modified state health orders.
Entering/Exiting the Facility
Members with symptoms of illness, or known exposure to a person with COVID-19 infection within the previous 14 days, are asked to stay at home and rest.
Only members will be allowed to use the facility at this time.
Use of Guest Passes and Day Fees will not be available at this time.
Out of town Y members will be unable to utilize our facility at this time.
Facility usage is based on a first come, first served system. If demand for use is overwhelming, we will implement a pre-registration system.
Max capacity for each workout area is listed below.
Members wishing to use the facility in an area that is at max capacity will need to wait in their vehicle until space is available or return at a different time.
Members are required to check-in and out with the Front Desk.
Members are directed to apply hand sanitizer or wash their hands upon arrival. Gloves will also be available for those members who would like them.
All Workout Areas
Six (6) feet of distance must be maintained while working out.
Group exercise of any kind is prohibited at this time.
Personal training is not permitted at this time.
Members will need to arrive in appropriate workout attire as the locker rooms will not be available for changing.
Work out sessions will be restricted to one (1) hour. Staff will alert you when you are nearing the end of your session time.
Bath towels and sweat towels will be unavailable at this time.
Lap swimmers will need to bring a bath towel from home.
Equipment must be wiped down before and after use.
Equipment towels and disinfectant spray bottles will be available.
Staff will be present to ensure equipment is wiped down in between members.
Aquatics Center
Limit of one (1) swimmer per lane. Six (6) total lanes are available as directed in the New Health Order. Walking and other exercises will be permitted lengthwise in your given lane.
The deck showers will be available for rinsing off before and after pool use.
Cycling Studio/Weight Room
Limited to a maximum of eight (8) members between the two spaces at a time.
Spotting is prohibited at this time.
Cycling Studio
Limited to a maximum of four (4) members working out at a time.
Limited to a maximum of six (6) members at a time.
Limited to a maximum of one (1) member per hoop.
No outside balls will be permitted in the facility.
Basketballs are available for check out at the Front Desk and must be checked back in. Balls provided by the Y will be sanitized after each use.
Locker Rooms
Locker rooms are closed for changing and shower purposes.
Sinks and toilets in the locker rooms will be available to members.
Members are directed to wash their hands after using the restroom.
Members are asked to alert the Front Desk of any excessive mess or low toilet paper in the restrooms.
Strength & Agility Center
Requires check-in and out with the Front Desk.
Limited to a maximum of two (2) members working out at a time.
How Staff Will Be Helping
Staff with symptoms of illness, or known exposure to a person with COVID-19 infection within the previous 14 days, will not be allowed to work.
All staff will be wearing face coverings at all times. Staff will utilize hand sanitizer, hand washing, and gloves.
Staff will be present to ensure equipment is wiped down in between members in each fitness area.
Remaining Suspensions
Drop In Child Care
Drop In Child Care will remain suspended until health orders are modified/relaxed to allow us to effectively run the program while allowing members to also utilize the gymnasium.
Group Exercise Classes
Group Exercise classes will remain suspended until health orders are modified/relaxed to allow them to resume. This would include noon ball, pickleball, and Camp 307 activities.
Y in the Park
Y in the Park will remain closed until health orders are modified/relaxed to allow Group Exercise Classes to resume.
Moving Forward
We hold the health and wellness of our staff and members as our highest priority. We recognize that this “new normal” will be less than ideal, but we will continue to work with county, state, and national entities to ensure we are able to provide the safest environment for all that choose to use the Y.
We will update you as new information becomes available and as additional Y services are once again eligible to be brought back online.