The Johnson County Family YMCA would like to announce that we are making a limited amount of equipment available for check out during the COVID-19 closure. This service is for Johnson County Family YMCA members only.
Please note that equipment is limited and will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis.
This equipment we are making available is:
- Yoga Balls
- Yoga Blocks
- Dumbbells
- Body Bars
- Medicine Balls
- Jump Ropes
To start the check out procedure, please download and complete the Equipment Checkout Form. You may either bring the form with you when you are picking up your equipment or email it ahead of time to the contact below.
The next step in contact our Athletics & Fitness Coordinator, Seth Fischer.
P 307 217 2027
E [email protected]
Seth will work with you to arrange a day and time for you to pick up the equipment you have requested.